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Scrip Orders


Scrip is Beth Israel's only ongoing fund-raising program. It's easy to use, and costs you nothing. Just purchase Scrip from Beth Israel, and Beth Israel earns a percentage of each purchase. Local stores contribute 5% to 10%, and we also have access to a huge variety of merchants through www.glscrip.com and shopwithscrip.com, with contributions ranging from 2% to 17%. Because of credit card processing fees, we ask that, when possible, you pay by check, checking account debit or cash, or you can choose to increase your payment to cover the 3% credit card processing fee.

Double Your Mitzvah!

In addition to regularly buying Beth Israel Scrip for monthly expenses, such as groceries and prescriptions, remember to use Scrip when giving presents, and when making donations to other organizations, or people in need. If you buy Scrip from Beth Israel, and donate it to a charitable cause, it's a DOUBLE MITZVAH! Check with the local organizations you support, and they likely would welcome gift card donations to help out their clients. Who knew that a piece of plastic could be part of Tikkun Olam?

Grocery Stores

5% profit

5% profit

5% profit

5% profit

4% profit

4% profit

4% profit

Other Merchants

17% profit

6% profit

7% profit

Shipping instructions

(Please include street, city/state and zip code)

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information



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